Classic, acoustic, or electric guitar: which one?
When you want to learn to play the guitar, a frequent doubt is what type of instrument to buy. A classic, acoustic, or electric guitar? Clarifying your preferences and necessities will help you to stop feeling disorientated before the huge quantity of options available, and also, not to make the wrong decision.
One of the best criteria for choosing is your favourite the style of guitar music. When your tastes go towards rock, heavy or blues, the best thing is an electric guitar. For more melodic styles, with voice accompaniment, either an acoustic or classic guitar would be better. In turn, flamenco and classic music clearly require a Spanish guitar.
Next, you have to define the budget. Not necessarily looking for the cheapest, but rather defining a range of prices within which you can look for the best quality possible. You have to try all of the models necessary, until you find the most comfortable and most inspiring guitar for you. If it’s possible, going to the shop with somebody who already knows how to play the guitar will be very helpful.
To simplify, here are the pros and cons of each type of guitar:
Softer strings that are easier to play
Bigger separation between the strings that allows clean chords to be struck
Limited range of styles
It’s more difficult to test different tunings
Good transition to electric
Greatly strengthens the hands and fingers
Hard strings and harder to learn
Good for a range of styles
Good for vibrating and forcing the strings
Easier to learn from the physical point of view
Less hand and finger training
Need an amplifier or computer with suitable software
More difficult transition to acoustic or classic
Whatever type of guitar you finally choose, it doesn’t have to be a decision for life: the same passion that drives a guitar player to one specific type of guitar will take them to new horizons when the time is right.